Friday, July 31, 2009

Coffee and CocoRosie

It's August.

I graduated from college. :)
I moved back home. :(
I was in the Des Moines Arts Festival. :)
I have two part-time jobs :/
I have no real life (job). :( :( :(
I am going to apply to grad schools soon. :)

I am making art here and there. Currently slump-age is taking over my ability to make art but this is soon to change. I feel it. I ate a fortune cookie and it told me that my worries will go away if I face them bravely. I thought that was good advice.

Did I mention I need a real job that's away from home. If anyone has one for me, pllleeeeeaaaasssseeeee help. I'll do a good job, I swear.

Not much else going on with this gal.

Oh, and I miss hanging out with kids more than ANYTHING. ug.